Personal Lines | Property & Casualty | Life Accident & Health | Continuing Education
This NY DFS – approved pre-licensing Personal Lines course consists of 44 LIVE webinar hours. The Full Property & Casualty consists of 99 LIVE Hours
All Students must complete a minimum of 40 hours(LAH) 40 hours(Personal Lines) and 90 hours (Property & Casualty) and receive a passing grade of 70% or higher. The Final exam will be administered at our Valley Steam Location.
The following rules and regulations are required to be followed in order to receive credit for attending an On-Site Insurance School Pre-Licensing webinar. Our webinars include an administrator in addition to the instructor. The Administrator will monitor and track the registrant’s attentiveness throughout the session and may contact attendees who have attentiveness problems.
Attendees must have simultaneous access to both the audio and video components of the webinar. Attendees will be muted throughout most of the presentation but can contact the instructor and/or administrator using the “chat” function on zoom at any time. We will unmute the class several times so that you can ask live questions as well.
Attendee participation and attentiveness is monitored during every webinar.
Every webinar session will consist of multiple breaks (just like in person). The instructor will indicate what time you need to be back from break. Upon returning from break, we will take attendance again. You must reply in the “chat” window within 5 minutes in order to comply with attendance check. If a response is NOT received, the attendee will be considered “absent” and may be subject to a loss of hours.
The following activities are PROHIBITED during the webinar: working in another browser, on another computer, or running another computer program with the exception of during indicated break times.
A certificate of completion and passing score on the NY state exam is required before applying for a NY State P&C license.
Tuition must be paid in full at time of registration
$395.00 plus $25.00 S&H (Life Accident & Health)
$525.00 plus $25.00 S&H (Personal lines)
$825.00 plus $25.00 S&H (Property & Casualty)
Textbooks including the state exam simulator will be shipped to you. On-Site strongly recommends all students register at least (7) days prior to class to ensure enough time to receive materials and begin reading.
Zoom Invite will be sent via email.
The day before your CE Webinar you will receive an email with the invitation link to click on. The morning of your class you will click on the link and you will be brought directly into the live webinar.
At the conclusion of the live webinar your home-study exam will be emailed to you along with a blank answer sheet.
You have 1 hour to return to us your completed answer sheet for grading.
As long as you achieve a passing grade on your exam your completion certificates will be emailed to you and we immediately notify The Department of Financial Services of your credits.